Comfort While Running

To start out your training, it is vitally important to feel comfortable in the clothes and shoes you are wearing, as it will enhance your run, decrease your injury rate and make the runs more enjoyable!

What type of training clothing should i have?

The main rule is – If it feels uncomfortable – don’t wear it! It is very important to wear comfortable, lightweight and dry fit running t-shirts, shorts, underwear, hat and socks otherwise you will find that blisters (on your feet) and chaffing (often inner thighs/under arms) will creep up on you during or after your runs – which is not a nice feeling and may stop you getting out on the pavement for your next training session.

You also need to choose clothing that is suitable for the weather conditions and your body temperature. This will help with the air circulation around your body to stop overheating. Good quality dry fit clothing will wick away the sweat and moisture from the body.

What type of running shoes should i have?

Did you know that shoes used for running have a life span of 480km – 800km! Shoes DO wear out! I have trained in a variety of running shoe brands and my main piece of advise would be spend a good amount of  time investigating the type of shoe and spend some money on your shoes… look at it like an investment, buying an item that is going to help your body and able to avoid injuries!

If you are running in shoes that you have been wearing for the past 2/3 years or if you are running in shoes that are not sports shoes… this may become a big problem, as the soles become thin and the cushioning decreases. Therefore the impact of the exercise is jarring your heels, arches, knees, hips or shins and this is what causes injuries. There are so many great sports shoe shops around that will fit your foot to a correct shoe. The cushioning for your feet is so important and it will help ease the pain in your feet, shins and knees.

A running shoe's silhouette can take many different shapes that affect the wearer's experience. In recent years, a number of companies have been rolling out shoes with a "rocker" geometry, which rolls the wearer's foot forward as they land to make running feel easier and more efficient - this could be something you may need to look into when shoe shopping next.

So to prepare for your training runs, purchase some good quality clothing and shoes that you feel comfortable in, so you can enjoy those training runs as much as possible!


Run Training Programmes and their Importance